Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hello Hunters. Great News!! We have a release date from Solstice Publishing. Hunting Monsters returns on the 9th of June. Stay Tuned for the release party announcement!! Remember , the Hunter is always watching!!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hey Fellow Hunters! The last round of the Hunting Monsters re-release is complete and we are ready to start the countdown to it being available again. Also I know have a new twitter account @ACurrierHM  Allen.Currier.HM on Twitter. Get ready for a release Party!!! Stay tuned it won't be long now!!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hey Gang, This is to share all of the new links to Solstice Publishing. There will be others added as we go along. Be sure to visit them all and check out the great talent at solstice.

And there will be more to come.
Hello Fellow Hunters. At last we have a new publisher at Solstice Publishing. We are in the final stretch to get the book back out and I am so excited about it. Look for it to come soon at Solstice Until then Keep watching into the shadows. He is out there!!!