Friday, April 25, 2014

New Release By Sun Chara

Hey Fellow Hunters, Take a look at what is New out for a very talented writer Sun Chara. Just follow the links in this bog and give it a look. You wont be sorry.
HI bk sale 49p Amazon UK, w/ Manhattan Millionaire's Cinderella & All Wrapped Up in You!                                    
:) Sun Chara
Manhattan Millionaire's Cinderella
Amazon & all other e-retailers
Available in paperback 4/17/14
So check at Sun Chara and all of her fine works at an Amazon near you.
And don't forget to look up Wild Child Publishing while your at it.

Until next time Keep Hunting!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 15 Still Hunting

Well Hello again fellow Hunters.
It has been awhile since I have posted, sorry for that, but to update you on the latest here we go. Just sent another round of edits back to the editor, who I might add is still beating me over the head with my own ignorance, but I am learning (hopefully). The story is changing in ways that I have mixed emotions about, but she assures me it is for the best. I believe her, but in the back of my mind,(a vary scary place) hides just a hint of dought as I am sure all writers have. You know that quiet voice that tell you that you know more than the person that has done this for years and has been published many times, and is taking the time to work with you when she has better things to do.. Yeah... I know shut up and do what she tells you...LOL.
Well I'm just a man doing the best I can to navigate the waters that I have waded into, without a vest, boat or paddle I might add. So she is my life line, I just hope she holds on tot he other end of the rope!!!
But the book is coming along and hopefully with just a few more tweaks we can get this out to you so you can get on the hunt with me. But until then, keep checking back for updates and don't forget to check out Wild Child Publishhing, the best place to find a great read.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hello Fellow Hunters, It's been a while since I posted with all the holidays, family and work, I am way behind in my duties. Sorry for that. But to catch you up, We are still working on edits, greatly anticipating the next round of cuts and fixes to my MS. It is a slow but exciting learning experience that I really am enjoying, evan tho I complain about it.  Keep checking back for details a s they come and check us out on Face Book, and as also ways a shout out to Wild Child Publishing a great place to read!!  Until next time, Keep Hunting!!