Friday, August 16, 2013

It Begins

Hello World! Let me introduce you to Me! I am Allen Currier and my New Novel "Hunting Monsters" Will be coming out soon. I am not experienced in the "Blog" world, but just diving in has always worked int he past, so here we go.

My work is about the most interesting "Serial Killer" that the world has not yet heard about. I join an outstanding Publisher and cast of talented writers at "Wild Child Publishing". I am excited to be added to the fold and pray I live up to the standards set up by such a group. We are now in the editing phase of the process, which is some fun but mostly head slapping. All in good fun. As soon as I figure out how to add links, all will be available to see along with the new releases. If you are reading this I have successfully created  my first "Blog." Leave me a note and tell me what you think. Until next time....